Mobile APP service powered by LINE

Sharing vehicle location map, texts, images and videos.

What is iMESH for LINE?

iMESH for LINE is a messaging application service powered by LINE official account. It provides you that your vehicle location map and sending text, images and videos which enhances your operational performance. Also, you could communicate with your drivers via your LINE account.


Features of iMESH for LINE

  1. Vehicle location map
  2. Messaging with your employees and customers
  3. Sharing pictures and videos via this application

We build your LINE official account in this service.

*「LINE is a trademark of LINE Co., Ltd.

Vehicle location

You could see where vehicles on the map. Vehicle's location is updated a real-time. You could change the vehicle's icon on the map in its setting.


You could send text through this LINE application to your employees as well as your customers like the SMS.


Sharing pictures will help you to understand what your employee needs at their sites. This makes more your operation smoother.


Getting videos at a site is more easier way to know your driver's operation more than pictures. You could download videos in your phone.

Use Case 1

Management for your vehicle's location

iMESH for LINE provides a map which shows your vehicle location in your smart phone.

Wherever you are like on the way of site or your home, manager could dispatch your driver by a combination with our handheld radio IM-550.

Your driver's vehicle locations are updated by a real-time.

Use case 2

Communication with your valued customers

The iMESH for LINE provides a chat features. Your receptionists could talk with your customers on the chat room in your LINE official account manager. This will be contribute more for your customer's satisfaction.

This chat room features could work for your driver's management as well.

Request for our FREE DEMO!

We offer a free demo for a nationwide IP radio, GPS tracking system and iMESH for LINE. It provides a long distance communication and cut your operation cost. This 2 weeks free demo to test its reception in your service area and how it contributes to your communication in your business operation.

Basically, our demo is for 2 weeks after you receive our demo kits.

The demo kit includes 2 mobile radios (one is for a base station and other is for your track) and 1 handheld radio.